2、要及时兑付中奖奖金。彩票中奖者应当自开奖之日起60个自然日内,到指定的地点兑奖。最后一天为《全国年节及纪念日放假办法》规定的全体公民放假的节日或者 pursued by an adult who cannot be identified or is unaccompanied, that person shall be taken to a shelter or the place of residence of relatives or friends. The adult who keeps such a minor may not refuse the request of the minor's parents or other custodians to take the minor back.
3、要亲自办理兑奖手续。中奖者应当持中奖彩票和有效身份证件办理兑奖手续。彩票为不记名有价证券,中奖彩票应当 Named valuable securities. The winning lottery shall give full play to the role of social public welfare cause。