

先引用一段规定,来自2018年日本室内田径锦标赛男子标枪决赛规则说明: The judges' score sheet shall be filled in such a way that the sum of each judge's marks will equal 30. For example, if one jumps 9 (out of 10) and another jumps 8 out of 10 then their total would be 17. If the third athlete only jumped 5 for instance or less than any other jumper, his/her total would be 8.5. In this case, the first two athletes would tie with an average of 9 on the judge's mark sheet while the third place athlete would have 8.5. When there is a large difference between high and low scores as above, it may be necessary to round the result up or down to make sure no athlete has more points than anyone else. This will not alter the final ranking. 注意最后一句话,当出现高分数与低分数差距太大的时候(例如可能一个选手是9分另一个选手只有5分)需要把结果四舍五入到整数以便确定排名。这样裁判的评分对最终成绩影响并不大。


