

1930年-阿根廷 4:1 PAR (57,683人),阿根廷球员在球队中占据了一半的席位;

1934年-意大利 2:1 德国 (57,000 人),所有意大利国家队球员都来自本土联赛——除了一个来自瑞士的人,他在国际米兰俱乐部踢了两年球就代表意大利国家队出场了一次;

1938 年-意大利 4:2 捷克 (70,000) ,这是首次出现超过七万名观众的世界杯决赛;

1950 年-乌拉圭/巴西(未知) 2:1 FRG / BRZ (1.6 万),四分之一决赛是“南美两强”之间的对决,当时只有一万多名球迷参加了比赛。


1954 年-联邦德国 3:2 瑞典,(73,000人);

1958 年-巴西 5 : 2 FRG(170.000位球迷),世界杯历史上首次进入千万级规模的大众市场;

1962年-Brazil 3:1Chile, (170k);

1970年-MEXICO VS BRAZIL(墨西哥城) 100K;

1978年-Argentina vs Holland, 91,000 spectators at the Estadio Monumental(布宜诺斯艾利斯);

1982 年-西班牙 4: 1 HNG(350,000名球迷),这是迄今为止参加人数最多的一场比赛;

1986年-Mexico City(墨西哥城),91,000 spectators inEstadio Azteca ;

1990年-Italy Vs England, Milano and Roma stadiums were filled to capacity by more than one hundred thousand people each during matches Italy vs Argentina and Italy vs Brazil respectively;(罗马、米兰两座体育场分别在分别举行了意大利vs阿根廷和巴西的比赛,每场比赛都有超过了十万人到场观看;),

1998 年-FRG – TUNISIE, Paris Stade De France,(70 K)(法国巴黎圣丹尼斯体育场);

2002 年-日本 vs Brazil (Tokyo Stadium, Osaka Stadium), 各容纳约五十多万观众;

2006 年-Germany VS Argentina, Allianz Arena and Stadio della Fiorentina have a maximum allowed audience size of about 70,000 persons per match.;

2010 年-South Africa VS Netherlands, (Johannesburg’s Soccer City stadium ) , More than five million tickets for the tournament were sold ahead of South Africa's hosting debut, making it the highest selling World Cup since Mexico '86...the record-breaking turnout was almost four times that of Japan & Korea in 2002 and eight times Germany 's 2006 numbers. More fans attended the games in South Africa this year compared with any previous finals — even if many did not sit down or leave their seats between games as they are expected to do according to FIFA rules. The average attendance across the sixteen group stages games was just over sixty nine , three thousand. A new world cup final record was set when 340,656 supporters watched Spain beat the Netherlands on July 11th,, beating the previous best which stood at fifty six, seven hundred and ninety two which is the figure from the 2006 World Cup Final. It also marked the first time that every game has been attended by more than half a million fans. This figure could rise to around


1.巴西 32人,10个世界杯冠军(第一次举办),4届奥运会金牌。

2.意大利 18 人,5次欧洲杯冠军;6次世界足球先生、FIFA最佳教练(齐达内)。 三次欧冠冠军(尤文),两次意甲联赛冠军的曼奇尼,还有马佐拉,罗纳尔多等一众知名球员

3.德国 17人,六届德甲冠军加四届冠军奖杯,勒夫执教四年带领拜仁在联盟杯中连续夺冠,2019年的世俱赛上,决赛击败英超霸主利物浦夺得俱乐部首个世俱赛大奖,另外还拿了两届联合会杯

4.英格兰17 人,五次英足总冠军和三次社区盾奖杯得主
