

Leonardo DiCaprio’s love of football is well documented. From playing for his school team to throwing himself into the game when filming Blood Diamond, it seems that he has a genuine passion for the beautiful game and regularly uses it as an escape from work.

However, there are also plenty of instances where we have seen him use his fame to help those less fortunate than us - including this time around during The Revenant‘s production period in Canada with his friends Mark Ruffalo and Adrian Grenier organising a charity match which raised £210,000.

Here are some pictures showcasing Leo’s amazing football skills on top form:

And here's just another little video showing Leonardo having fun while shooting a scene for "The Revenant" :

It looks like everyone loves Leo, even though he doesn't understand Spanish!

Leo was born and grew up in Los Angeles, so naturally he played American Football in Primary School at Santa Monica Polytechnic High School but switched over to soccer when he transferred schools later on. However, since then until now, “football” or more specifically “soccer“ hasn’t been mentioned too much because he had only taken part in casual games before; still he would occasionally play street ball with his childhood buddies(who include Matt Damon, Tobey Maguire 和 Ben Affleck)or participate in occasional celebrity basketball games such as this one against Kobe Bryant. So far nothing really special except maybe all these years he kept practicing;) But what I don’t know exactly about him is how serious he takes sports, especially considering who he plays next to-the world class goalkeeper Tim Howard. It must be a real challenge!

Well, if you look closely, not only did they make a joke out of LD being left footed(which means he prefers kicking with it), Leos actually scored twice with his right! Also notice towards the end of the video, whenever Tim Howard threw the ball back towards LD, someone (I think David Beckham?) told him to pass it to LD instead! Heh... Anyway, it wasn’t easy for either side but Team USA finally won by 4 goals to 3.


他的球风是这样的,但我觉得可能还是他那部《甜蜜幼儿园》更能代表他的性格和气质,一个从小被娇生惯养的富二代,虽然他是演员但是他踢球的每一个动作都让我觉得这个家伙就是认真的,他就是从心底喜欢足球这个运动! 他在电影中用各种方式去帮助队友,鼓励他们,这种感染力真的让人无法抗拒啊! 我还记得在电影的最后一场比赛中,当他和主角们一起把对手打哭时(哈哈我就是这么喜欢他),那种热血沸腾的感觉真是没法形容啊……

总之,小李子是一个很好的偶像哦! 嘻嘻谢谢观看!
